full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Casey Gerald: The gospel of doubt

Unscramble the Blue Letters

It was over. I looked at the clock. It was after midnight. I looked at the eeldr believers whose savior had not come, who were too proud to show any signs of disappointment, who had believed too much and for too long to start doubting now. But I was upset on their behalf. They had been duped, hoodwinked, babelzomod, and I had gone right along with them. I had prayed their prayres, I had yielded not to ttemaioptn as best I could. I had dipped my head not once, but twice in that snot-inducing baptism pool. I had believed. Now what?

Open Cloze

It was over. I looked at the clock. It was after midnight. I looked at the _____ believers whose savior had not come, who were too proud to show any signs of disappointment, who had believed too much and for too long to start doubting now. But I was upset on their behalf. They had been duped, hoodwinked, __________, and I had gone right along with them. I had prayed their _______, I had yielded not to __________ as best I could. I had dipped my head not once, but twice in that snot-inducing baptism pool. I had believed. Now what?


  1. temptation
  2. bamboozled
  3. prayers
  4. elder

Original Text

It was over. I looked at the clock. It was after midnight. I looked at the elder believers whose savior had not come, who were too proud to show any signs of disappointment, who had believed too much and for too long to start doubting now. But I was upset on their behalf. They had been duped, hoodwinked, bamboozled, and I had gone right along with them. I had prayed their prayers, I had yielded not to temptation as best I could. I had dipped my head not once, but twice in that snot-inducing baptism pool. I had believed. Now what?

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
harvard business 3
baptism pool 2
baptist bourgeoisie 2
peter jennings 2
jennings announce 2
business school 2
bottom line 2
infallible truth 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
peter jennings announce 2
harvard business school 2

Important Words

  1. bamboozled
  2. baptism
  3. behalf
  4. believed
  5. believers
  6. clock
  7. dipped
  8. disappointment
  9. doubting
  10. duped
  11. elder
  12. head
  13. hoodwinked
  14. long
  15. looked
  16. midnight
  17. pool
  18. prayed
  19. prayers
  20. proud
  21. savior
  22. show
  23. signs
  24. start
  25. temptation
  26. upset
  27. yielded